AU10 transforms ambiance-noise to a stereo image of 4 tones (left: D G D‘, right: D A D‘)
The instrument works with two electro-mechancal exciters to which are directly connected to the strings. The strings are set to vibrate when an amplifier with microphone is connected. Electro-magnetic pickup record the string-vibrations. Recorders can be directly connected to the pickups.
AU10 was used for the project Sonus Urbis Pepetuum (2012). Each one hour of musical translation of the soundscape around the St. Lorenz Church in Nuremberg was recorded during one day in the morning, at noon, in the evening and during the night.
The resulting four hours of musical abstraction were re-played inside St. Lorenz Church during the art festival Blaue Nacht.
excerpts from Sonus Urbis Perpetuum